Visas Pathways

Katherine Van Greuning
Australian Registered Migration Agent
Over 16 years of experience
With 100% Success!

Accountant Skills Assessment
Accountants migrating to Australia are required to complete a skills assessment before lodging a visa application. The three professional bodies authorised to assess Accountants for migration purposes are:
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia
The Institute of Public Accounts
CPA Australia
To be considered suitably qualified as an Accountant in Australia you must have a qualification that is deemed equivalent to at least an Australian Bachelor’s Degree.
Membership of a recognised professional accounting body outside of Australia is deemed to be equivalent to an Australian Bachelor’s Degree.
To meet the educational requirements for your nominated occupation, your qualification will need to cover the following mandatory competency areas:
Accounting Systems and Processes
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Management Accounting
Audit and Assurance (Optional for ANZSCO 22113 and 221213)
Business Law
Taxation Law (Optional for ANZSCO 221111, 221112, 132211 and 221213)
Quantitative Methods
Applicants will also be required to have evidence of suitable English language competencies. The English language proficiency is mandatory for ALL applicants – there are no exemptions. CPA recognises the following English tests:
IELTS Academic
PTE Academic
Occupations that are assessed are:
Accountant (general) – 221111
External Auditor – 221213
Finance Manager – 132211
Management Accountant – 221112
Taxation Accountant – 221113